Lector House
Reviving literature across the globe
Across India
Ancient Cities of the New World
Andamans and Nicobars
Discovery: The History of the World’s Exploration
From Edinburgh to India & Burmah
From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan
Gates of India: Historical Narrative
India under Ripon
Life and Travel in India: A Journey Before the Days of Railroads
Life in an Indian Outpost
Manipur and the Naga Hills
Popular Account of the Manners and Customs of India
Ride to India across Persia and Baluchistan
Servant of Sahibs
Through India and Burmah With Pen and Brush
Travels in Peru and India
Twenty One Days in India
Wandering and Sketches of Life in India (Hindostan)
Wild Wales: The People Language & Scenery